The Korean drama Family By Choice concluded its run on November 27. The show features Hwang In Yeop, Jung Chaeyeon and Bae Hyun-sung in key roles. The series tells the heartfelt story of Kim San-ha, Yoon Ju-won and Kang Hae-jun – three individuals who, despite being unrelated by blood, build an unbreakable bond during their teenage years. Directed by Kim Seung-ho, the drama's cast also includes Choi Won-young and Choi Moo-sung. If Family By Choice left you longing for more K-dramas with a "found family" theme, do not worry, we have got you covered. Here are some shows you can binge-watch over the weekend.
1. Be Melodramatic - Netflix: The show follows a group of friends who move into an apartment to support their friend during a difficult time. This project features Chun Woo-hee, Jeon Yeo-been and Han Ji-eun in key roles.
2. Your House Helper - Kocowa: A group of friends moves into their friend's house to help with the rent and support her through the loss of her father. Directed by Jeon Woo-seong and Lim Se-joon, this show explores themes of friendship and family.
3. Still 17 - Netflix: Headlined by Shin Hye-sun and Yang Se-jong, this drama tells the story of a woman who wakes up from a 13-year coma and must adjust to life as a 30-year-old. She reconnects with a man who blames himself for the events that led to her coma.
4. It's Okay, That's Love - Prime Video: Centered around mental health, this show explores the struggles of the characters, each dealing with their past or emotional challenges. Set in a mental health facility, it depicts how the patients and staff form a bond that feels like a found family.
5. When The Camellia Blooms - Netflix: Written by Lim Sang-choon and directed by Cha Yeong-hoon, this drama became one of the highest-rated mini-series of 2019. It follows the story of a woman who finds herself entangled in love and the complexities of her past.
6. My Secret Terrius - Prime Video: This series follows a secret agent who becomes a caring nanny to a single mom's children as part of a disguise. As he befriends her, he grows close to the kids and becomes involved with the neighbourhood watch group.
7. Tale Of Nokdu - Netflix: Based on a webtoon by Hye Jin-yang, this show tells the story of a man who disguises himself as a woman to enter a mysterious women-only village in search of the truth about his birth.
8. Hospital Playlist - Netflix: A powerful found-family drama that focuses on five friends—Jo Jung-suk, Yoo Yeon-seok, Jung Kyung-ho, Kim Dae-myung and Jeon Mi-do – who are all surgeons at a hospital. Their deep bond and shared experiences make this show truly special.
9. Mad Dog - Netflix: The story follows Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do-hwan and Ryu Hwa-young as a team of investigators trying to uncover the truth behind a mysterious plane crash. Yoo Ji-tae lost his family in the crash, while Woo Do-hwan lost his brother. As the team comes together, they support each other through misunderstandings and uncovering the truth.
10. My Shy Boss - Prime Video: Featuring Yeon Woo-jin and Park Hye-su, this show centres around a CEO of a public relations company who is shy and struggles with social interactions. Park Hye-su plays an extroverted character who joins the company and brings energy, contrasting with the CEO's personality.
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