All eyes were on Bollywood superstar Deepika Padukone as she walked the red carpet at the 77th British Academy Film And Television Awards, in a glistening white saree designed by Sabyasachi. Besides attending the event and posing for pictures, Deepika Padukone was also seen taking the center stage to present the award for the Best Film Not In The English Language. While pictures and videos of the Fighter star from the red carpet have been trending big on social media, it is these new set of pictures of the actress from backstage that has our heart.
Pictures of Deepika Padukone from BAFTA backstage have been shared by several pages on X (previously known as Twitter). In the candid shots shared, we can see the actress posing dramatically before hitting the red carpet, in some pics we can also see the star making some last minute adjustments to her saree and touching up on her make up.
Take a look at the pictures we are talking about:
Deepika Padukone poses backstage during the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2024#DeepikaPadukone #EEBAFTAs
— Best Of Actresses (@Whenat_) February 18, 2024
Deepika Padukone backstage at the #EEBAFTAs ✨
— Team DP Malaysia (@TeamDeepikaMY_) February 18, 2024
In another viral video from the BAFTA ceremony, Deepika Padukone can be seen presenting the award for the Best Film Not In The English Language. She can be heard saying, "The incredible stories nominated in this category depict real and imagined worlds that stay with us long after the credits roll. From the Alps to the Andes, Southern Poland to Seoul, the nominees are...and the BAFTA goes to The Zone Of Interest."
Deepika's presenter speech is crazy viral, take a look:
Deepika Padukone presenting the Film Not in the English Language Award at the #BAFTA2024
— GlobalTrending24 (@GlobalTrendng24) February 19, 2024
Mother is making me proud #DeepikaPadukone
The actress also posted a series of photos of her look for the night on her Instagram feed. Director Zoya Akhtar dropped a heart emoji below her post:
Take a look at Deepika Padukone's post below:
Coming back to the BAFTAs director Christopher Nolan's biopic film Oppenheimer dominated the BAFTA Film Awards this year with seven wins including Best Director, Best Film and Best Leading Actor awards.
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